Star Wars: Unlimited – Twin Suns
26/01 @ 13:00 - 20:00
Welcome to the largest Star Wars: Unlimited community in Estonia and may the Force be with you!
Event structure and house rules:
- Please check in at the front desk to have a table assigned – no pumpkin-patchin’!
- Event is free for everyone and no bookings are required – first come, first served
- Drinks and snacks are available on location and outside sources are not permitted
- Be respectful to the space and other people playing
- All players are required to join the event via
Deck Construction:
- You must include two leaders instead of one! It’s called “Twin Suns” for a reason, after all. These leaders must share either the Heroism (white) or the Villainy (black) aspect.
- You need to include 1 base card of your choice.
- Your deck must have a minimum of 50 cards.
- You may only include 1 copy of each card in your deck.
- There are 2 new actions you can take in addition to the ‘take the initiative’ step. These two extra counters a ‘Plan’ & ‘Blast’
- Plan counter, which allows you to draw a card, then put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.
- Blast counter, which deals 1 damage to each enemy base.